Pelago arrived in La Spezia
April 3, 2023
Ηλιακή Ηλεκτροκίνηση Μικρών Σκαφών σε Πειραματική Εξέλιξη στην Ελλάδα
August 30, 2023As of June 26 Slow Food Ikaria and Aegean Cargo Sailing jointly attempt the first innovative experimental sailing tour of a bio producer from Ikaria.The agreement between the two organisations includes funding of 3000€ by Friends of Ikaria in Lugano for two Ikarian producers to visit and be informed of the methods of other producers from other islands.
This gives the opportunity at present to Thanasis Moulas from Kampos, Ikaria to contact other bioproducers in Chios, to exchange experience and network towards an Aegean wide cooperation and training schemes for quality centered production and marketing of natural food. At a later stage another producer visit of island(s) will take place.
It is a long held plan of both organisations to proceed with developing further zero carbon healthy food practices in Greece and contribute to the international efforts of Slow Food. This phase is financed by The Friends of Ikaria organisation in Lugano, that cooperates with SF and ACS in the last 5 years.
The trip to Hios started on Saturday the 26 of June from the port of Evdilos. The retailing wind was from the north but close to Ikaria it was mainly wavy with some low wind. Past the first 5 miles the strong wind from the west was very good to sail north for half the distance. Then it became north to north east and we had to tack till past midnight and we anchored in the bay of Kalamoti for the rest of the night. We continued all the next day against the wind to reach Chios port by 21.00.
The third day we started with a rented car that was difficult to find due to coinciding Muslim holidays. The first producer visit was to Myrovolos aromatic plants farm and packaging installations. The exchange was very useful and the idea of using common technical and marketing consulting services for small producers emerged as the missing link for more sustainability.
We were directed to visit the PERIVOLI citrus sweet and jam farm close by. A family run complex of groves, sweets production, museum and Restaurant was very impressive. Again joint marketing and consulting was judged essential. We then proceeded to the Mastiha museum and passage through the Mastiha fields before taking a rest before sunset.
The next day we visited the local juice small industrial unit of Kambos and we had a very thorough demonstration of the installations partly in production, long discussions and film presentations.
The last visit was to the Tsopani small scale cheese making facility at Lagada. A family run integrated production unit comprising raising goats and sheep plus transformation has been successful during the last few years in the market of the island but not yet elsewhere. Also agreed on joint marketing needs.
The intense work program allowed us to cover more than the originally planned visits and in view of adverse predicted south winds coming the next few days the return trip started with a small leg to the tip of Chios. Anchoring for the night was followed by the all day long leg to Evdilos port that was reached in the afternoon of the next day.
A sustained effort in locating and supplying markets out of the islands should be the unforced conclusion.
Captain Loucas Gourtsoyannis